Work With Me

 Personalized & Private Coaching:

Over the period of 6 weeks as we privately coach together, you’ll gain a new awareness of what causes lack of confidence to pursue your dreams and how to manage it.

This will allow you to stay in the process, even when it’s uncomfortable and most importantly – you’ll have someone to walk through this with together!

Let me help you enjoy the journey, gain confidence, and stop worrying about everything.

I’ll help you discover the underlying cause of YOUR worries, introduce you to new strategies and provide tools to get your anxiety in check, and empower you in your life

Join me and experience life-changing transformation in 6 weeks. End the anxiety wrecking habits and self-sabotage behaviors that have kept you from your dreams for far too long!

 Work With Me in 1 of 3 Ways


Speaking & Teaching

When I speak you get to hear my method to having a thriving dating life and I’ll show you exactly how I got there. I teach on the importance of thoughtwork and beliefs and show you how to gain clarity with organized thinking. You’ll be in a group environment with others who understand exactly what you are going through and it’s a chance to interact with me and get some of your most pressing questions answered


1:1 Private Coaching

The ultimate Experience!

Confidential and Private Sessions

Scheduled Weeks in Advance

This is where you make the most progress and dig deeper into your thought work


Purchase My Book

Purchase My Book

A Great Option if you don’t know where to start

Gives You Insight to me, my philosophies and my background